4 Ways to Reprogram Your Money Mindset
Money... something that I’m sure every single one of us thinks about at least once on a daily basis. Whether you’re finding new ways to earn it, making new plans to spend it or save it; money is on all of our minds (some more than others of course). What if I told you that your perception about money has a direct effect on how you earn, spend, and save it? If you find yourself living to paycheck to paycheck, unable to save, or find your heart racing at the mere thought of money - you have a scarcity mindset. In order to make a change in your life, you need to shift your mindset to one of wealth or abundance. Further, if you want to improve your finances you have to start by reprogramming your money mindset.
What is a Money Mindset
A money mindset is pretty much the attitude you have towards money. Simple right? For most of us, our pasts may have shaped our money mindset far before we even knew what a money mindset even was. Personally, this was the case for me. After some personal reflection, I realized that my outlook on money and how I treated it was a direct result of my upbringing and environment! Whatever has shaped the way you view money, there are two types of mindsets you can have when it comes to money; scarcity or abundance.
A scarcity mindset views money as being…scarce (lol obvious, much?) If you have a scarcity mindset, you often feel that you never have enough money or that your money won't last. This attitude will either have you spending your money as soon as it touches your hands or holding on to every penny you have because you're afraid to lose it. When you operate with a scarcity mindset, you allow money to have power over you, you're a slave to it because you don't think you deserve it.

On the other hand, when you have an abundance mindset, you have a much more positive attitude towards money. In your eyes, you have more than enough money for your needs. You see money as attainable and believe that it is your responsibility to earn it. With an abundance mindset, you allow yourself to be open to receiving the benefits of favorable financial outcomes and you're not afraid to take chances.
Why You Need to Reprogram Your Money Mindset
The reason that you need to reprogram your money mindset is simple... if you want to attract true wealth into your life, your mindset has to change. Mindset is EVERYTHING. Change your mindset and you will change your life!
But honestly, sometimes we can be our own worst enemies and we don't even realize it. Think about it. Our actions are motivated by our beliefs. For example, you may be telling yourself that you don't make enough money right now to be saving for your future, so, as a result you don't save and continue to feel bad about it! The way you view money may be one of the sole reasons why you feel like you’re broke all of the time. If you don't believe something is possible, it's not going to happen for you.
If you want to attain true wealth, shifting from a “poor person’s” mentality to one of abundance is a must. When you do so, you’ll be able to improve your relationship with money (read my post “How to Improve Your Relationship with Money”), make better financial decisions, and overcome future challenges with more ease. Believe me, when you reprogram your money mindset, you will begin to change your actions which will lead to a change in your results.
How to Reprogram Your Money Mindset
Shifting your mindset from scarcity to abundance is simple. The work lies with you, so as long as you're willing to take a step toward making meaningful changes in your life, you'll be just fine.
Practice Gratitude
Take stock and appreciate what you already have. Most of the time, we already have what we need (food, clothes, shelter). It’s important to know the difference between what a need and want is and give gratitude for what you have and how far you've come.
Practice positive money mantras and affirmations. Put those positive vibes out into the universe! As with anything in life, when you put positive vibes out into the world, you get that back. Why not apply that to your finances as well?
Change Your Behaviors
Assess and adjust your spending habits. It’s important to understand how your scarcity money mindset has affected your spending habits. Are you an emotional spender? Nip that in the bud ASAP! You are in control and have the power to change your story. Need some inspiration? Check out my post "5 Things I Did to Save Money".
Give Your Money a Purpose
In other words, flip the script and make your money work for you. Give the money in your life a sense of direction. The easiest way to do this is by budgeting or developing some sort of spending plan. When you have a plan for your money, it's much easier to take control of your financial situation and meet your goals. However, it all starts with the right mindset. Your plan should reinforce your (abundant) mindset.
Check out these great reads to help!
You Are a Badass at Making Money: Master the Mindset of Wealth - Jen Sincero
Worthy: Boost Your Self- Worth to Grow Your Net Worth - Nancy Levin
What are your tips for shifting your money mindset? Let me know your thoughts below!