What’s Done In The Shadows
“What’s Done in the Shadows” is a gripping domestic thriller that weaves a tale of deception, power, and hidden truths. Follow two estranged sisters as they navigate a web of darkness and mystery to uncover a secret society's deadly secrets. Dive into this suspenseful journey and uncover the shadows' deepest secrets. Ready for a thrilling read? Grab your copy now!
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London has a secret. By day, she’s an ambitious woman, well on her way to getting her college degree. By night, she’s an alluring escort with Philadelphia’s elite as her main clientele. She balances the thin line between her two worlds with ease. But that all changes when she meets Chase. Suddenly, London is in a fierce battle trying to make sense of her choices and newfound love interest.
Olivia once thought she found her Prince Charming, but she soon realizes Marcus is her worst nightmare. Like London, she’s been keeping a troubling secret of her own. Deep down, she knows that it’s only a matter of time before Marcus snaps and actually kills her. But, in a wild turn of events, Olivia ends up killing her abuser in an act of self-defense. Panicked, Olivia is forced to leave everything she knows and run to the safety only her twin sister, London, can provide.
In this thrilling standalone story, Monique Elise brings her readers to the edge of their seats as she explores a world filled with seduction, murder, and deceit. Can the unbreakable bond between sisters withstand the untold truths that exist between them? Or will their secrets be what ultimately tears them apart?
Dilemmas Of A Damsel
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