6 Ways to Declutter Your Life

Am I the only person on earth who looks forward to spring cleaning? Yeah? Well, I do! One of the reasons I love it is the idea of a fresh start! It’s a way to put the cold winter days to rest and wipe the slate clean. Honestly, you can spring clean anything, not only your home. Why not spring clean your life completely? Keep reading to learn 6 ways to declutter your life!

Why Decluttering is Important and Necessary 

Before we dive into the list, it’s important to understand why decluttering is necessary from time to time. Take a moment to think about the things that are holding you back or causing your stress. Most of the time, that is CLUTTER! If you want to live the life of your dreams you have to cut the dead weight and make room for all the good you deserve! 

In addition to that, decluttering can have many benefits including: 

  • Reduced stress

  • Improved mood 

  • Save money 

  • Improved relaxation 

  • Make room for better in your life

  • Improved focus

So, are you ready to spring clean your life?! Let’s dive in.

Who doesn't love a fresh start? Self-care starts with dropping things that don't serve you. Here are 6 ways to declutter your life.

How to Declutter Your Life

1. Space

Do you ever notice how anxious you become when your home, office, car, or bedroom is in complete disarray? On the flip side, think about how much better you feel when your space is organized and cleaned. 

It’s so easy to let things accumulate in your home. Dedicate time to go through and clear out things that are taking up necessary space. Here’s a list of things to do:

  • Clean out your fridge 

  • Clear out your pantry

  • Get rid of old mail and magazines 

  • Toss all of those random household items you purchased and completely forgot you had (you know what I’m talking about). 

2. Relationships

Whew, this is a big one! The key to decluttering your relationships is to let go of people who are standing in the way of your ability to evolve. I call them BLESSING BLOCKERS. These may be those toxic relationships, friendships, or situationships that you simply refuse to let go of! 

3. Technology

Do you realize how much unnecessary stuff you’re probably storing in your phone, on your email, or on your computer right now? Between the spam, taking a million selfies just to find the perfect photo to post on Instagram, the random apps you've downloaded that you wanted to try out but never did, and unread messages I’m sure you’re holding on to a lot of things you don’t need! Here’s a list of things to declutter: 

  • Clean up your inbox 

  • Store old files somewhere safe and then delete them from your phone/computer 

  • Purge your photos and store important ones on a drive or USB

  • Go through the apps on your phone and delete any that you haven’t used in the last year

4. Schedule 

One of the things about clutter is that constant feeling of angst in your life like a task is constantly looming. Do you know what I’m talking about? You’d be surprised at how much that stress is tied to your hectic schedule. In addition to that, always being super busy can have a negative impact on your productivity. You’ll only reap the benefits of slowing down from time to time and clearing your schedule! Reduce your commitments and learn one of my favorite words… NO! Slow down and create a schedule that not only works for you but honors your peace.

5. Possessions

Next up, it’s time to clean out your STUFF! I am certain you’re holding onto clothes, makeup, shoes, books, and a million other items that you no longer need. It’s time to clean house! My rule is if you haven’t used it in a year or even two… it’s time to get rid of it. Donate it to others in need or sell it to make some extra coins!

6. Mind

Believe it or not, your mind and thoughts can be filled with clutter too. Free your mind by clearing it of negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Don’t be fooled this will require some work but it’s so worth it! Here are a few things to try:

  • Do a Brain Dump and write out everything that’s on your mind 

  • Look into therapy

  • Give meditation a try 

  • Journal Daily

  • Try something creative 

  • Exercise

Are you ready to spring clean and get rid of that clutter? I hope that these tips helped! If so, let me know by dropping a comment below. What’s your favorite way to declutter? Let me know by dropping a line below! 


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