7 Ways to Simplify Your Life Today
Life comes at you fast. It’s so easy to become consumed by work, your kids, daily commitments, the latest scandal on the news, and so on. Sometimes you may just wonder, why is life so damn complicated? Our lives are so complicated because we make it that way. But guess what? Just as easy as it was to overly complicate your life and day-to-day, you can simplify it. Keep reading to learn 7 ways to simplify your life today.
Benefits of a Simpler Life:
No one likes feeling like they’re being spread too thin. And when your life is constantly filled with chaos, that’s likely how you’re going to feel. In doing so you risk adding extra stress, or even worse experiencing burnout.
Check out my post about how to deal with burnout here.
When you take time to simplify your life, you’re allowing yourself to get a better handle on the things that truly matter to you and you give yourself the freedom to do the things that bring you happiness and joy. I mean life is meant to be lived and enjoyed after all, not always feeling frazzled and stressed out. Many benefits come with living a simpler life including:
Better Health
Improved finances
More free time
Increased clarity for your life and goals
7 Ways to Simplify Your Life Today
Life comes at you fast. Make life easier by keeping things simple. Keep reading to learn 7 ways to simplify your life today.
Declutter your space
One of the first things you can start with is your space. Now when I say space I’m talking about your home, your phone, your emails, your purse… everything! Get rid of the things that you no longer need or that no longer serve you and organize the things that you decide to keep.
Automate everything that you can
Finding ways to automate can save you a lot of time. You can help yourself by limiting your daily/weekly commitments by automating redundant tasks. Maybe start with your savings and bills, that way you never miss a due date! Or if you hate cooking or going to the grocery store (like me) try a prepackaged meal delivery service like Hello Fresh.
Establish a routine
No, it doesn’t have to be super strict, or time-consuming. We’re aiming for simple here, remember! But having a routine that is simple to start your day or end your day really can help bring some balance into your life. Maybe you can commit to deep breathing exercises in the morning, or reciting some affirmations on your way to work. Find something that helps you feel calm and balanced.
Limit your time on social media
Take a moment to think about what you do in a day. How much of that time is spent on social media? I’m willing to bet that it’s a lot more than you’d like it to be. Truth is, social media can be a time and energy zapper. It’s just another thing, distracting you from making the life you want a reality. So I suggest keeping your time to a minimum.
If you have an iPhone, follow these steps:
Settings > Screen Time > App Limits > Add Limit > Social > Select all the apps you want to set a time limit on > Next > Set your Time Limit > Add … Done!
Get a handle on your finances
Bills and money got you stressed? Take a moment to assess your financial situation and create a budget that you can stick to. Make your life simple by leaving little room for surprises when it comes to your money. Track your spending and cut unnecessary expenses. I love using the Albert app for this.
Minimize your commitments
Get some of your time back by learning one of the easiest words in the world…NO! Yes, that’s right! You need to be intentional about protecting not only your time but also your peace and your space. That means limiting the number of times you expose yourself to places, people, or commitments that don’t serve you. Just say no!
Better manage your time
Improving your time management could help you simplify your life. More specifically, when you get serious about managing your time, your productivity and focus will increase. Follow these steps:
I highly suggest doing things like using a planner, whether it is digital or print. Here are some that I like:
Then take your planner and implement a time-blocking system. Time blocking is just taking blocks of time (1-2 hours) to focus on only one task. For example, you can block one hour each morning to focus on answering your emails and emails only. Then the next hour can be dedicated to managing your calendar and scheduling appointments.
Next, batch your tasks. Simply take a moment to think about all of your tasks, which ones are similar and can be grouped? For example, I batch together all of my blog post tasks together and dedicate 2-3 days at the end of the month to outline, draft, edit, and schedule my posts ahead of time, instead of stressing about having a post to write and share every other week. I was doing that when I first started my blog and I DO NOT RECOMMEND.
You deserve to live the life you want! Start by making things simple for yourself. I promise that you won’t regret it. Which tip do you like the most? Let me know in the comments below!