How to Pivot in Life with Purpose
Would you say that you are comfortable with the current state of your life? I think comfort is a goal many of us have. There is a feeling of safety that comes with stability, especially as adults. But being too comfortable can be dangerous. You may be asking yourself, "Why?" Well, when you’re too comfortable in your life, you run the risk of becoming stuck. One day you may wake up and realize that the things you thought you were ok within your life, no longer serve you. It could be the job you once loved, the house you lived in, or the overall path you took in your life. And before you know it, you’re plagued by regrets and the nagging question, “What if?” Now and again, your life will call on you to pivot. It’s not always easy or even desirable, but it’s worth it in the end. Keep reading to learn how to pivot with purpose.
The Call to Pivot
How do you know that it’s time to pivot in your life? I’d say you feel a constant sense of being unsettled, dissatisfied, or an overall thirst for more. It can be a slow and steady nagging feeling that builds up over time. Or maybe a sudden change in your life or circumstances thrust you into these thoughts hard and fast. However, it may happen, that when you’re called to pivot, you should listen. Hearing this internal call to pivot requires you to be intuitive, honest, and gentle with yourself.
The Power of Pivoting
So what is a pivot anyway? Simply put, a pivot is a change of direction. You can pivot in all areas of your life. Whether that is your personal life, business, career, or relationships. The power of pivoting with a purpose lies in your ability to live, act, and think in alignment with your innermost authentic self.
Yes I know, change can be scary. However, rather than look at change as a challenge, instead view it as an opportunity. Remember, perception is everything. Not only that. You, my friend, are allowed to outgrow yourself and evolve as many times as you feel called to do so.
How to Pivot with Purpose
Never forget that life is finite. When your time on this earth comes to a close, will you be satisfied with your life’s path or will you have a ton of regret? It’s time to start living your life for you, not what others expect of you. Now is the time. Here is how to pivot with purpose.
Stop Waiting for Permission
A lot of the time, many of us are afraid to act and make the change we desire because we’re seeking permission from others. Eliminate this thought. You don’t ever need permission from anyone to walk in, live in, and be in your truth.
Look Within Yourself
Take a moment to check in with yourself. This is the time to do your homework and get clear on some things. What do you want most for yourself? What inspires you? List out and identify your goals. Why do you want to make this change? Name the things that inspire you the most. Do you know what you're passionate about? What matters most to you? What are your values? Describe what will it mean for you to take that leap of faith. Lastly … what is your WHY?
When you’re beginning to pivot, make sure that these changes are in line with the things and core values you believe in.
Need help figuring out your goals? Check out my post here for some tips!
Trust Yourself & Stop Seeking External Validation
You have to be ok with your friends, family, or loved ones not understanding or even liking the change you’re starting to embrace. Don’t let that stop you. Remember you have to live your life for yourself, no one else. Remain intuitive and trust your gut instincts.
Embrace Fear & Discomfort
The sooner you do this, the better. There is no way around it, you will be uncomfortable and maybe afraid. That’s ok! Never forget that these feelings are temporary and a part of the process, especially when it comes to stepping out into the unknown.
Accept That You May Not Have All The Answers Right Now
And guess what? That’s ok. Don’t expect the path to be a straight line. Don’t get caught up and discouraged about the exact mechanics of the HOW. Instead, focus on the WHY and trust that the steps that you choose to take today will lead you exactly where you need to go in your life.
Visualize The Change and Write it Down
Visualize the change for yourself by picturing you living your wildest dreams and aspirations. I’d say try a “Mind Map” a concept I learned while taking Elaine Welteroth’s course on MasterClass. According to Elaine, these mind maps come in handy when you’re on the verge of embarking on change or making some big decisions in your life. These maps should encompass your WHY, the things you are passionate about, and your dreams and aspirations.
Editor’s Note: I recently created my mind map following this model and it was like a literal lightbulb went off in my head!! I seriously admire Elaine and her work so much, her course was a breath of fresh air. I highly recommend that you sign up and take her course!
Click here to take Elaine’s “Designing Your Career” Masterclass
Do the Work
Now it’s time to create a plan, execute, and do the work. Like I said, no you likely will not have all the answers here and now. But work with what you’ve got! Draw from your resources and build from there. Don’t discount your journey thus far, instead make all the skills, expertise, and knowledge you picked up along the way work for you. Also, don’t forget to track your progress!
I truly hope that you’ve found this post helpful. I’ve currently been called to pivot in my own life and these are the steps that I’ve taken thus far to make changes. Let me tell you… I regret nothing!! Continue to be great and live fearlessly my friends.