My Letter to a Black Girl...
Being a black woman has to be one of the most magical, fulfilling, and empowering things ever. Seriously, we're starting businesses, getting educated, raising families, and raising the bar! Yet, being a black woman can be stressful, challenging, and exhausting. Why is that? Because, black women, especially in America, are constantly being attacked. ridiculed, disrespected, overworked, underpaid, and undervalued. One of the harshest realizations in my thirty-two years of existence is that black women are alone.
“The most disrespected person in America is the black woman. The most unprotected person in America is the black woman. The most neglected person in America is the black woman.” Malcolm X
I'm Fed Up
The saddest thing is that people try so hard to pit us against one another. Let's face it - it's nothing new.
A few years ago, I woke up one day and was tired and fed up with all the hate from society as a whole. I was tired of the way society painted this negative picture of black women. I was tired of hearing the words ugly, ghetto, too dark, and unworthy. So I took my pen to paper and wrote a letter to air out all of my frustrations.
I realized that as a black woman, I have been forced to face a hell of a lot of adversity since I was just a young girl in middle school. At one point I was made to feel that I was ugly - ugly because I was too dark, too skinny, and basically because I was black.
I hate to admit that I believed this for a moment in time. And if it wasn't for my mother (who is my BIGGEST supporter) I don't know where I would be today. Had it not been for my mom and the constant encouragement and love that she showed me when I needed it the most, I would've never taken the time to LOVE myself and embrace all that I am. Yes, I'm dark, I'm a woman, and I have some sass - and you know what, I FREAKING LOVE IT. Here's a letter dedicated to anyone who has ever felt they were not enough. Trust me, honey... you are!
My Letter to a Black Girl
I wish you could see how amazing you are. I know it feels like the world is against you. Day in and day out you face constant judgment and ridicule from all sides, even others that look just like you.
I pity them because they don’t understand you, and people fear what they do not understand. Your beauty makes them uncomfortable. So they bash you for the very things that make you special. Your dark skin, full lips, kinky hair, wide nose, sassiness, fearlessness, and resilience. Rather than praise those things, the world would rather shed a negative light on them.
What did you do to deserve this? Nothing! Trust me, I understand your frustration. The taunting and the labels can be overwhelming. Especially when it feels like it comes from all sides. You wake up every day determined to prove the naysayers wrong. It feels like you are stuck fighting a losing battle and no one has your back. But I got you.
If you have an opinion about something you are labeled “The Angry Black Girl.” If you are driven, you are “too ambitious.” If you have a little sass you are labeled as “ghetto.” If you don’t fit society’s mold of what is “beautiful” you are ugly. But let me tell you, your voice is what makes you unique, don’t ever be afraid to speak up. Your drive is what makes you unstoppable. Your sass gives you flavor. And screw society’s flawed standards of beauty. You are a queen and never forget it.
I am here to tell you, I see you. Your power and your greatness. I know it feels like no one fights for us. But I will. Never forget, that you have the luxury of being a part of an exclusive network of women who have faced and overcome your same struggles. We are like a beautiful rainbow ranging in different shapes, sizes, colors, and personalities. We are different yet we are the same. They don’t call it Black Girl Magic for nothing. I have your back.
I beg you; please don’t let them steal your light. Because trust me they will try. Instead, recognize your power. You are not ugly, you are not angry, you are not ratchet. My darling, you are so much more.
Own your MAGIC. Embrace that MELANIN. God knew what he or she was doing when they made us. Be bold, be confident, be kind, be strong.
Love yourself, reach for the stars, and spread love along the way. And from one black girl to another,
I love you.
You are special.
You are beautiful.
You are magic.